Tuesday 23 August 2011

Busy Bee

Considering I have no 'job' for the summer, I have managed to stay really busy. I mean, my job is to get things going for Blo, and I've been doing a little bit of this and that, here and there...but I think if I knew the whole summer would go by before Blo was open, things would have been different. I've still been having fun, obviously, but I think that mentally knowing I'm on vacay might have been a bad thing, just because I am such a creature of habit. I love my routines.
And I've had tons of visitors throwing me off, which gives me something to look forward to (getting back on!).
My cousin Mark & his gf Niki came down for a week, and I showed them my summer of mani/pedi's, 4 & 5am weeknights, good food & tons of shopping (*for them, not me).
In between that, I took a bus for the first time since the cousins took my car shopping and  I had an appointment to get to. I cabbed it there, and couldn't justify the $40 back since it was one bus the whole way...my lawyer bbm'd me the whole way home because he was scared for me lol.
I also participated in a boot camp class one Saturday morning which was great. Then after a night of Cafeina, then Arkadia, then Mokai...Sunday afternoon this unforgiving soreness kicked in and I could no longer laugh, feel my glutes or make any sudden moves, really.
Cafeina was interesting....we called it our night of Gay Cowboys & Big Trannies. I'm not kidding. They had a mechanical bull that had men drooling over a baby-faced straight guy who managed to stay on the longest. I believe one guy actually said "I think I'm pregnant." How did I end up here? I was invited by the PR company that we worked with during Swim Week for their Principle's birthday.
The invite says a lot:

Atleast the drinks were sponsored!

Last week I started doing some blo prep: Ordered furniture, light fixtures, printed materials & buttons, and now I am just trying to decide on the tiles for the sink area. Decisions, decisions!

This past weekend was a good-but-bad episode of Jersey Shore. A crew of Torontonians invaded and as usual I got caught up in the mix - but I loved every second of it! It was literally one season of the show, crammed into one weekend. We enjoyed good food, great parties & some necessary pool time too.
This is the gist of the weekend at the Metropole

Now I am back to what is known as my grind: blo stuff, social media, blogging, gym. In a secret background location I also do other business-related things...involving stocks, professional editing (you'd never know based on this would ya?), & investor relations. None of these are related to each other, just random things to keep me on my toes.

On my agenda this week though is hurricane prep, as Irene makes her way through the islands and poses a potential threat to Miami and surrounding areas. I have flashlights, candles, batteries and we stocked up on the dry/canned foods incase the power goes out. We have a long list of condo guidelines to follow too, and we are right in the heart of hurricane season for the next little while...

Does wine count as a hurricane necessity?


  1. Fatima!! Just catchin up on your blog. Almost 2am here in Italia, too excited to sleep as I leave for Amalfi tomorrow am! I'm so glad you're having a blast and I truly am so excited for your opening! Wish I could be there to party with "F-squared!" haha! miss you xoxo Tree

  2. Tree! Next vacay is Miami. Bring your italian flavour...xoxo
