Friday 24 June 2011

What I've been up to...

Hello peeps!

I thought I would give a little re-cap on my last week or so just to touch base.

My brother Aly and his girlfriend arrived last Saturday and my bro's friend was supposed to be at the airport at the same time...however he missed his flight from Trinidad and had to sit in the airport for 5 hours until the next one...AND he left Miami the next afternoon!

We did a ton of fun things that day, such as get aquainted with my hood, meet my Tdot friend Neetu and her MIA bf Fred at the famous Clevelander, then Mangos, for a buzz-filled evening..then we went to the club Mansion for a super late night that had them leaving me at home at 4am then walking around downtown to find food with little Tyson in tow!

We also watched the Miami Heat lose to the Mavericks in the NBA finals...and fine, Mavs deserved the win, but I was also looking at it from a selfish, economical standpoint. I know, I know...but it's ok. According to many news outlets, the Heat being in the finals was already considered an economic stimulous package here.
We also went to Blue Martini for karaoke night and had a blast. I definitely need to go again, It was quite the ab workout! 

Some things I did were attend 2 wedding shows: The Wedding Salon @ The Gansevoort Hotel in Sobe, and the Wedding Show at the Westin Coral Gables, for Miami Romance Miami needs a month dedicated to romance...this is a hormone-filled society. Ask Fifty Cent: "... I ain't into makin love..." Back to the wedding shows: I mainly went to find wedding planners but there was 1 at each event! They were not huge events, more boutique-ish but STILL! They were not great for the purpose I went, but I got some champagne, goodie bags, and smashbox lipgloss :)

I also went to an event for the party girl Noreen (remember she is the one who gets paid to bring girls out for free food/drinks). She did a launch at Kitchen305 in the Newport Beach Hotel for her new website/web-zine: It was nice, saw some familiar faces from her other parties and learned that we have something in common besides nationality! I have mentioned to some people before I left Toronto, but it's worth a quick mention here: my goal is to clean up Miami once I am in a good place here with my business. Hold me to it...incase I make millions and the money goes to my head and I forget my purpose in life...that is, if I still know any of you! HAHA just kidding! I would like to implement a recycling program, since NO ONE here recycles. If you are from Toronto/Canada or Europe, you will feel that stab in the heart right about now. They don't even have any public recycling bins! 

On that note, time to sign off with a PINKY-swear on my future project, 


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